Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 336-339
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2002.336.339
Effect of Trap Designs and Colours on the Landing Rate of Aphis gossypii Glover, the Major Insect Pest of Chilli in Malaysia
A. B. Idris, M. N. Mohamad Roff and C. L. Ooi

Abstract: Effects of different trap designs (cylindrical bottle, flat wood set up horizontally and vertically, and the water-pan traps) coloured with yellow, green, blue, red or black on the landing rate of alate Aphis gossypii Glover were studied. Results showed that traps designs and traps colours significantly influence the number of alate aphids collected. The water-pan trap collected significantly (P<0.05) more aphids than those of other traps. Traps coloured with yellow were also found to collect significantly (P<0.05) more aphids than traps coloured with other colours. The yellow water-pan trap collected the highest number of aphids compared to other traps with yellow in color. Interestingly that aphid collection of traps coloured with yellow other than yellow water-pan traps was not significantly different between them. The mean number of aphids collected by the water-pan traps was highest in early hours and lowest in the late hours of the day, and of this trap when coloured yellow collected almost all the aphids collected by the water-pan trap. Result also showed that the ladybird beetle adults were only collected in a water-pan trap and none in the other traps. Again, the beetle was mostly caught in yellow water-pan trap and none in the blue, red and black water pan traps. The possible use of yellow water-pan trap for monitoring and forecasting the aphid infestation on chilli field is discussed.

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How to cite this article
A. B. Idris, M. N. Mohamad Roff and C. L. Ooi , 2002. Effect of Trap Designs and Colours on the Landing Rate of Aphis gossypii Glover, the Major Insect Pest of Chilli in Malaysia. Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 336-339.

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