Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 259-261
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2002.259.261
Effects of Azotobacter Inoculant on the Yield and Nitrogen Uptake by Wheat
M. A. Kader, M. H. Mian and M. S. Hoque

Abstract: A pot experiment was conducted to evaluating the effects of Azotobacter inoculant on the yield of wheat (cv. Kanchan). The treatments were T0 (control), T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5. Except 1000 grain weight, all the yield components of wheat viz. plant height, filled spikelets spike‾1, spike length and the number of grain spike‾1 were influenced significantly by the treatments. The highest grain yield of 780 mg plant‾1 i.e. 84% increase over the control (425 mg plant‾1) was obtained due to the treatment of T5 which did not differ significantly from the yield obtained (687 mg plant‾1, 732 mg plant‾1 and 715 mg plant‾1) with the application of T1, T3 and T4, respectively. There was 18% increase in grain yields due to using Azotobacter inoculant only over the control, which was not statistically significant. The straw yields showed a similar pattern. Azotobacter inoculation also influenced the root growth significantly. Total N uptake in grain, straw and root increased significantly due to different treatments. The highest N uptake (23.17 mg plant‾1) was recorded with the treatment T5 and the lowest with the T0 (control), (11.03 mg plant‾1). The total N uptake was increased by 89, 36, 101, 88 and 109% over the control due to T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, respectively. Azotobacter either alone or in combination with urea N had some beneficial effects on the yield of wheat, which amounted to saving about 20% of urea N.

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How to cite this article
M. A. Kader, M. H. Mian and M. S. Hoque , 2002. Effects of Azotobacter Inoculant on the Yield and Nitrogen Uptake by Wheat. Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 259-261.

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