Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2001 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 765-767
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2001.765.767
The Yield Potential of Sainfoin and Alfalfa Mixtures under Dry Land Conditions
Suleyman Sengul

Abstract: The yield potential of sainfoin (0nobrychis sativa) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) mixtures was estimated with tall wheat grass (Agropyron elongatum), creasted wheat grass (Agropyron cristaturn) , and smoot bromegrass (Bromus inermis) under dry land conditions. The mixtures sown as cross like, legumes species were seeded one direction and grasses the other. Seeding rate were 8.0 kg sainfoin, 4.0 kg alfalfa, and 3.0 kg grasses per decar (1/10 ha-1). Mixtures used 50% of legumes and grasses. 5.0 kg P205 in autumn, and 5.0 kg N were applied in spring for one of each subplots. The contribution of the mixtures of alfalfa and sainfoin with grasses to the hay yield ranged with years. The rate of alfalfa and sainfoin in mixtures decreased with years. The use of fertilizer increased rate of grasses in mixtures with eventually dominated the mixtures. Under dry land conditions, mixture of grasses with legumes appear to be well suited for the establishment of dry land pastures and hay crops, either use one grasses or legumes, or one legumes two grasses mixture. Those would greatly increased the yield of hay and crude protein content over the now prevailing unimproved pastures made up of poor yielding grasses with little or no legumes present.

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How to cite this article
Suleyman Sengul , 2001. The Yield Potential of Sainfoin and Alfalfa Mixtures under Dry Land Conditions. Journal of Biological Sciences, 1: 765-767.

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