Journal of Biological Sciences

Year: 2001 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 519-523
DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2001.519.523
Neural Network Influencing the Regulation of Locomotion in the Garden Snail (Eobania vermiculata)
Amina Essawy

Abstract: The garden snail Eobania vermiculata crawls utilizing muscular waves which pass along the sole of the foot from posterior to anterior. In addition to the Pedal nerves supplying the foot, there is a subepidermal neural plexus embedded in foot musculature. Light and electron microscopical preparations revealed the sole plexus which consists of ganglionic knots contain neural cell bodies situated on the periphery of neuropile. In the neuropile synaptic junctions of axo-axonic type are demonstrated. Clear and/or dense core granulated synaptic vesicles are frequently occur in the axon profiles. Single axons containing synaptic vesicles diverge from the neural plexus and contact the muscle cells forming neuromuscular junctions. So presence of peripheral neural network may be necessary for precise, rapid neural control over the small regions of the foot and must facilitate co-ordinated pedal movements. Furthermore, presence of different types of synaptic vesicles is a good evidence for the possible role of these inclusions as sites of excitatory and inhibitory transmitters.

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How to cite this article
Amina Essawy , 2001. Neural Network Influencing the Regulation of Locomotion in the Garden Snail (Eobania vermiculata). Journal of Biological Sciences, 1: 519-523.

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