Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2015 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 593-597
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2015.593.597
GDUP a Safe and Low-Cost Technique with the Minimum Damage of Formation for Drilling in Oil and Gas Wells
Mehran Rabbani Nezhad

Abstract: In this study, the theory of Good Drilling Using Piling (GDUP) is raised and it is a new method for drilling oil and gas wells, namely when low depth is considered and lose formations are on it. Piling technology has recent progresses as piling is possible in different depths and areas. In common drilling process, after establishing of rig, at first hole is created, then casing and cementing are performed and this process is repeated to achieve required depth. Thus, different dangers and problem of drilling are encountered including open hole, formation damage and pollution to complete well. However, in the presented method in this study, after exact collection of data of geology and geotechnical of area, a good area for well drilling is selected to design piling (steep sheet piling), pile equipment and execution trend. Then, the oil derrick was established and piling was performed from the surface to depth. After drilling inside the pile to the required depth, production casing is taken and cemented and well is also completed. Thus, firstly a steel wall is created for well and then drilled inside it and experienced an easy and less costly drilling with high security and less damage and pollution of formations.

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How to cite this article
Mehran Rabbani Nezhad , 2015. GDUP a Safe and Low-Cost Technique with the Minimum Damage of Formation for Drilling in Oil and Gas Wells. Journal of Applied Sciences, 15: 593-597.

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