Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2013 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 21 | Page No.: 4688-4694
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2013.4688.4694
3D Finite Element Analysis of a Single Asperity Tangential Elastic-plastic Deformation Characteristics
Li Wang and Yang Xiang

Abstract: This study is focus on the tangential contact characteristics of a single hemispherical asperity when the asperity deformed in the stages of normal elastic-plastic deformation by the finite element method. The normal elastic-plastic contact characteristics of a single asperity contacted with a rigid flat has been studied by some researchers, but the tangential contact characteristics of them is still missing in the detail. The single asperity finite element model is a 3D finite element solid model in the study of the tangential contact characteristics, it is different the plane finite element model in the study of the normal contact characteristics. The local mesh refinement method is applied to mesh the asperity model, within the elastic deformation of the asperity, the normal contact load and area in the finite element analysis have been compared with the Hertz contact theory, the difference is less than 5%, the asperity 3D finite element model has been verified. For tangential contact analysis, a normal displacement is applied at the pilot node of the rigid flat, the asperity will deformation from the elastic to plastic range. Then hold the deformation state, a tangential force is again applied to the pilot node , the rigid flat will move on the surface of the asperity in the range of the micro-displacement state. Under the different normal displacement, the results shows that linear relationship can be obtained between tangential force and tangential micro-displacement, in the range of about , tangent modulus has not obviously effect on the tangential contact stiffness; In the range of about , tangential contact stiffness increasing with the tangent modulus increasing.

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How to cite this article
Li Wang and Yang Xiang, 2013. 3D Finite Element Analysis of a Single Asperity Tangential Elastic-plastic Deformation Characteristics. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 4688-4694.

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