Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2007 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 21 | Page No.: 3326-3329
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2007.3326.3329
Appraisal of Supervisor's Attitude and Managerial Performance in Health Care Facilities-Mashhad-2007
A. Vafaee, M. Majdi and M. Kabazkhoob

Abstract: This is an applied, cross-sectional descriptive research which includes all supervisors and Staffs in Mashhad health care facilities. It was used of 2 different questionnaires. Data was gathered and then had been coded and analyzed with SPSS software and t-test. In practice, the maximum notice of administrations was to organization and the minimum one referred to assessment. Between administration attitudes and their performance about planning and assessment was a significant direction positive but there was a significant difference about organization between these groups. The length of services of employee's was the only factor that was effective about the administration performance. The finding depicted that supervisor's performance evaluation as one of the most effective recognition and control methods and has an important role and is effective in promoting productivity of services in health care facilities.

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How to cite this article
A. Vafaee, M. Majdi and M. Kabazkhoob, 2007. Appraisal of Supervisor's Attitude and Managerial Performance in Health Care Facilities-Mashhad-2007. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7: 3326-3329.

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