Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2006 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 51-56
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2006.51.56
Land Suitability Modeling of Natural Vegetation Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study
A.H. El-Nahry and H.E. Khashaba

Abstract: The objectives of this research was to facilitate the application of spatial modeling to the study of complex multi-scale vegetation-identity processes at Gulf of Suez area, Egypt. Land suitability spatial models have evolved to provide Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) users with the proper tools for which to resolve complex geo-analytical problems. Given these tools, the user is able to make well informed decisions based on the problem at hand. The issue of suitable site, including analysis and selection, is a task that is well suited for such a system. The overall goal of spatial modeling may be to understand how assumptions, parameters and variation associated with the input data and how models affect the resulting output data and the conclusions made from them. Spatial and geostatistical analysis tools were used to design Land Suitability Spatial Model (LSSM). LSSM is a spatially designed model that depends mainly upon interpolation, scaling, weighting overlay, conditional and algebra statements, general filtering and site selection techniques. Using LSSM, spatially distributed sites of natural vegetation with different species were accurately defined. Plant and soils relationship was discussed showing the interaction occurs between them. Applying LSSM, different species of natural vegetation could be identified and grouped into three categories as follows:- 1-Group (A) Alhagi maurarum, Cressa cretica and Tamarix nilotica. 2-Group (B) Zygphollum coccineum, Ochradenis baccatus, Acacia chrenbergiana, Halcocnemum strobiliaceum and Nitraria retusa. 3-Group (C) Parkinsonia aculata, Zilla spinosa, Limonium pruinosum, Haloxylon salicornicum and Fagonia Arabica.

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How to cite this article
A.H. El-Nahry and H.E. Khashaba, 2006. Land Suitability Modeling of Natural Vegetation Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 51-56.

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