Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2006 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 1275-1286
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2006.1275.1286
How Does Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater Causes Severity and Health Hazard in Bangladesh
M.A.I. Chowdhury, M.T. Uddin, M.F. Ahmed, M.A. Ali and S.M. Uddin

Abstract: The toxic effects of arsenic are complicated by its existence in different forms whatever be the organic and inorganic. Most cases of vertebrate toxicity have been associated with exposure to inorganic arsenic as a variety of inorganic arsenate and arsenite occur in water, soil and food. Humans appear to be most susceptible to arsenic than animals and chronic oral exposure to inorganic arsenic causes neurological and hematological toxicity on human. Obviously untreated groundwater enriched in arsenic appeared to be the major threat to drinking water that was and is being extensively used as a source of drinking and food for the decades in rural and semi-urban areas of the developing countries that results in a high incidence of arsenic with deleterious effects on humans and food chain. In Bangladesh, China, China, Chile, India, Mexico, Vietnam and other developed countries, arsenic contamination in groundwater is considered to be the key environmental health problem of the twenty first century. In Bangladesh higher levels of arsenic (exceeding the WHO standard of 0.01 mg L-1 and Bangladesh standard of 0.05 mg L-1) have been detected in ih groundwater of tube-wells in a vast region of the country including 61 districts out of 64. It is estimated that of the 140 million inhabitants of Bangladesh more than 100 million are at the risk of arsenic hazard, such arsenic hazards cause the a number of arsenicosis. The severity of chronic arsenic exposure via drinking water in Bangladesh and its adverse health effect on the poor people of Bangladesh, mostly living under the poverty level as well as the arsenic patient management including the risk of arsenic hazard is reflected in the study.

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How to cite this article
M.A.I. Chowdhury, M.T. Uddin, M.F. Ahmed, M.A. Ali and S.M. Uddin, 2006. How Does Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater Causes Severity and Health Hazard in Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Sciences, 6: 1275-1286.

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