Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2005 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 8 | Page No.: 1484-1488
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2005.1484.1488
Saturation in Principal Channel for Nonlinear Media with Stokes Shifting Emission Bands
Jihad Said Addasi

Abstract: The phase response of nonlinear media is very usefull to study nonlinear processes such as : four-wave mixing, holography and amplification of laser’s irradiations. Using a typical three-level configuration (S0-S1-S2) for nonlinear media, the transitions of molecules in principal channel (S0-S1) can be realized by light fields of intensity I12sat at frequency ω0. At the same time, light fields with intensity I23sat at frequency ω interact with excited molecules to realize their transitions in excited channel (S1-S2). The cubic nonlinearity of dye solutions is taken into consideration to study the saturation processes of nonlinear media with Stokes emission bands. The saturation of phase response of dye solution in principal channel (S0-S1) is realized at saturation intensity . The value of saturation intensity in principal channel decreases with increasing of radiation intensity in excited channel I23sat. The saturation intensity has its optimum (minimum) values, when the frequency of light fields in principal channel is tuned with Stokes shift from the centre of principal absorption band. In addition, the saturation intensity has its optimum, when the radiations in excited channel have enough big intensity I23sat and have a frequency tuning with anti-Stokes shift from centre of absorption excited band.

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How to cite this article
Jihad Said Addasi , 2005. Saturation in Principal Channel for Nonlinear Media with Stokes Shifting Emission Bands. Journal of Applied Sciences, 5: 1484-1488.

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