Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 537-540
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2002.537.540
Salt Affected Soils Their Identification and Reclamation
A.A. Siyal, A. G. Siyal and Z. A.Abro

Abstract: Salt affected soils are found throughout the world especially in arid and semi arid regions. Soil salinization is mainly due to the use of saline water for irrigation, seepage from the canals, an arid climate evaporation of salty soil waters from the soil surface over shallow water tables and poor drainage. Salt effected soils are grouped into saline, alkali and saline-alkali soils. Three different ways viz. scrapping, surface flushing and leaching are normally used for reclamation of these soils. Reclamation of salt affected soils by leaching is the best way of reclamation. Continuous and intermittent leaching are two techniques of water application during the leaching process. Continuous leaching is quicker but it consumes more water than intermittent leaching. Soil amendments (gypsum, sulphur or sulphuric acid) are usually needed for the reclamation of soils with high sodium content. By planting trees in soils with high water table and no drainage, soil reclamation process can be accomplished. Soil salinization can be prevented by using good quality water and by managing water table below root zone by providing surface of subsurface drainage.

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How to cite this article
A.A. Siyal, A. G. Siyal and Z. A.Abro, 2002. Salt Affected Soils Their Identification and Reclamation. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2: 537-540.

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