Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2001 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 356-358
DOI: 10.3923/jas.2001.356.358
Yield Attributes of Conventional Rice Ratoonings and Lock Lodged Ratooning Under Varying Nitrogen Levels
F.C. Oad and Pompe Sta. Cruz

Abstract: Increased levels of nitrogen fertilizer showed positive response to {PSBRcB rice variety in Locklodged ratoon (LLR) by increasing tillers, productive, panicle and seed length, and 1000 grain weight. However, in conventional ratooning (CR) nitrogen fertilizer poorly contributed to number of filled spikelets, total tillers, productive tillers. The grain yield was maximum at the fertilizer level of 60 kg-ha applied to LLR. The shortest panicles were recorded in unfertilized plots.

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How to cite this article
F.C. Oad and Pompe Sta. Cruz, 2001. Yield Attributes of Conventional Rice Ratoonings and Lock Lodged Ratooning Under Varying Nitrogen Levels. Journal of Applied Sciences, 1: 356-358.

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