Journal of Agronomy

Year: 2017 | Volume: 16 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 1-11
DOI: 10.3923/ja.2017.1.11
System Productivity as Influenced by Varieties and Temporal Arrangement of Bean in Maize-climbing Bean Intercropping
Zerihun Abebe, Chala Dabala and Tadesse Birhanu

Abstract: Objective: Maize-legume intercropping is one of the best practices to avert mono cropping problems and ensure sustainable and diversified production systems. In recognition of this fact, the objective of the experiment was to identify compatible maize and climbing types of common bean varieties at appropriate time of bean planting in intercropping systems. Methodology: The experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 years at Bako and Billo Boshe sites. Three maize varieties (BH661, BH546 and Gibe 2), two climbing beans (Tibe and Dandessu) and bean temporal arrangements (same, 15 and 20 days after maize planting) were arranged in factorial combinations in randomized complete block design with three replications. Result: The highest significant maize yield (9 t ha–1) was obtained when common bean was planted with BH661 simultaneously followed by 20 days after BH546 planting. Bean performance in BH546 was significantly decreased as the function of increasing from same date to 20 days after maize planting. Even though maximum bean yield could be obtained when intercropped with Gibe 2 at the same time, 31% yield reduction of the maize was observed. Maximum LER (1.53) was obtained when BH661 was planted simultaneously with beans. Positive value of agressivity index showed maize varieties, except Gibe 2 were the dominant. In contrast, climbing bean was significantly dominated by maize varieties except in simultaneous planting with Gibe 2. Conclusion: Simultaneous planting of climbing bean in BH661 maize variety is the best practices to get the highest net benefits. Alternatively, farmers could also prefer to use planting of the beans 15 days after BH546 variety of maize planted. Moreover, intercropping of bean after 20 or more days planting of Gibe 2 could be used to advise the farmers as other options where there are limited accesses to hybrid varieties.

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How to cite this article
Zerihun Abebe, Chala Dabala and Tadesse Birhanu, 2017. System Productivity as Influenced by Varieties and Temporal Arrangement of Bean in Maize-climbing Bean Intercropping. Journal of Agronomy, 16: 1-11.

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