Information Technology Journal

Year: 2013 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 71-79
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2013.71.79
FBSA: A Flash Memory-based Scheduling Algorithm for Optimistic Replication
W. Li, G. Wang, X. Wang and S. Li

Abstract: The scheduling algorithm for optimistic replication is important, because it has an extreme effect on replication performance. However, most of the scheduling algorithms are designed for a conventional hard disk device with mechanical disk arms. It may be inefficient when the flash memory which possesses both a higher read/write performance and random access rate is equipped. This study proposed a new flash memory-based scheduling algorithm for optimistic replication: FBSA. It parallelized the write requests on the slave node according to the semantic dependency, thus, full drove the flash memory and improved replication performance. The FBSA was fully implemented under a popular open-source DBMS-MySQL and was proved to show dramatic performance improvement compared with the original scheduling algorithm based on the same hardware and software configurations.

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How to cite this article
W. Li, G. Wang, X. Wang and S. Li, 2013. FBSA: A Flash Memory-based Scheduling Algorithm for Optimistic Replication. Information Technology Journal, 12: 71-79.

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