Information Technology Journal

Year: 2013 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 20 | Page No.: 5415-5423
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2013.5415.5423
Efficiently Indexing Sparse Wide Tablesin Cloud Computing
Huang Bin and Peng Yuxing

Abstract: For its perception of unlimited resources and infinite scalability, Cloud Computing has emerged as a pervasive paradigm for hosting? data-centric applications in large computing infrastructures. The data produced by these applications are essentially sparse and wide and may change schema frequently, traditional relational data model is inappropriate for their data management. A new data model, called Sparse Wide Table, was introduced for this task. Unfortunately, we have to face many challenges in building the secondary index for Sparse Wide Table in cloud, as the distributed and column-oriented storage which eliminates a number of NULLs. In this study, we present a three-level index scheme for efficient data processing in the Cloud. Our approach can be summarized as follows. First, we build an index for each column by which the records can be rebuilt easily. Second, we build a bitmap index for each storage node which only indexes the data residing on the node. Third, we organize the storage nodes as a structured overlay and each node maintains a portion of the global index for the all different data. The global index is a bitmap index to indicate the node each data resides in. Finally, based on the three-level index scheme, some query algorithms are implemented. We conduct extensive experiments on a LAN and the results demonstrate that our indexing scheme is dynamic, efficient and scalable.

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How to cite this article
Huang Bin and Peng Yuxing, 2013. Efficiently Indexing Sparse Wide Tablesin Cloud Computing. Information Technology Journal, 12: 5415-5423.

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