Information Technology Journal

Year: 2012 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 10 | Page No.: 1391-1399
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2012.1391.1399
Specifications Mining Based on Adjusted Automata Learning Algorithm
Xiao Jianyu and DAI Jingguo

Abstract: The problem of software’s specifications mining was to automatically acquire temporal safety properties of a software based on its execution traces, which was represented as a DFA-enforceable security automata. It is similar to the problem of automata learning which had been studied in the field of theoretical computer science, assuming that the training set of software’s trace was expressed as regular language. We proposed to use Angluin’s algorithm which was a classical algorithm to learn Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) to solve the problem specifications mining. Observing that a security automaton was a prefix-closed DFA, we adjusted the Angluin algorithm to check whether the prefixes of the target string being processed were accepted before the member query was asked, so, as to avoid unnecessary member queries. In the implementation of the Angluin algorithm, we used model checker to simulate the oracles of member queries and equivalence queries. Experiments showed that our implementation of Angluin algorithm was practical to solve the problem of specifications mining.

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How to cite this article
Xiao Jianyu and DAI Jingguo, 2012. Specifications Mining Based on Adjusted Automata Learning Algorithm. Information Technology Journal, 11: 1391-1399.

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