Information Technology Journal

Year: 2012 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 1175-1183
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2012.1175.1183
UC Secure Network Coding Against Pollution Attacks
Feng Tao, Wang Shuang and Yuan Zhan-Ting

Abstract: Considering the pollution attacks in network coding, in the single-source multi-sinks directed acyclic network, we present a Universally Composable (UC) secure random network coding scheme based on All-Or-Nothing Transform (AONT) encryption and homomorphic Network Coding Signature (NCS1). At the source node, by means of AONT encryption an eavesdropper is unable to get any meaningful information no matter how many channels are wiretapped. To prevent malicious modification of data packets, in this study, we adopt the signature scheme NCS1 for authentication the integrity of the transmitted data and the node identity. Lastly, we have proved the novel scheme is secure in the UC security model. By the security proof and comprehensive analysis, it is showed that the proposed scheme not only has the ability of resistance eavesdropper and the Byzantine attacker but also achieves the maximum flow of information transmission.

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How to cite this article
Feng Tao, Wang Shuang and Yuan Zhan-Ting, 2012. UC Secure Network Coding Against Pollution Attacks. Information Technology Journal, 11: 1175-1183.

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