Information Technology Journal

Year: 2009 | Volume: 8 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 887-894
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2009.887.894
Fair Blind Signature Based Authentication for Super Peer P2P Network
Xiaoliang Wang and Xingming Sun

Abstract: Anonymity has received increasing attention in the literature due to the users' awareness of their privacy nowadays. While, anonymity related issues have been extensively studied in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems, numerous concerns have been raised about the issue of providing authentic partners in P2P systems. In addition, the network authority requires controlled anonymity, so that misbehaving entities in the network remain traceable. We are working on seeking novel and more effective methods to control anonymity, authentication and traceability. In this study, we propose a security architecture to ensure anonymity and authentication for honest users and keep traceability for misbehaving users in P2P systems. We use Fair Blind Signature Trust (FBST) to resolve the conflicts among anonymity, authentication and traceability. Signature scheme that has information about identity ensures authentication. At the same time, use of blind signature and additional anonymous scheme provides anonymity. Moreover, traceability is achieved due to the fairness of fair blind signature. Security analysis shows that the FBST can perfectly solve tradeoff between anonymity, authentication and traceability.

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How to cite this article
Xiaoliang Wang and Xingming Sun, 2009. Fair Blind Signature Based Authentication for Super Peer P2P Network. Information Technology Journal, 8: 887-894.

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