Information Technology Journal

Year: 2004 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 192-195
DOI: 10.3923/itj.2004.192.195
PMXML: An XML Vocabulary Intended for the Exchange of Task Planning and Tracking Information
Kevin Curran, Liam Flanagan and Mark Callan

Abstract: The project management XML specification (PMXML) is an extension to the XML schema that specifies the elements in use within project management applications. As it is a schema designed specifically for use with project management, it contains a quite an amount of elements that are specific to project management. Furthermore as it is an extension of the XML concept in the project management realm; it inherits the properties of the XML data type. As XML is an open technology, it is free from restraints on cost and platform compatibility and is widely supported. However the problem occurs when we need to understand what the data means, to this effect we need some form of metadata to describe the data, what it is and where it is to be used. This is where the PMXML schema comes into effect, using standardized schemas each PMXML compatible application can exchange data with each other and interpret the data accurately. For this to be effective virtually all objects or elements that may be held in the XML file need to be specified. This has been the goal of the PMXML consortium, to define a standardized vocabulary to facilitate the exchange of information between various project management applications and tools. This paper examines whether it has achieved this goal.

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How to cite this article
Kevin Curran, Liam Flanagan and Mark Callan, 2004. PMXML: An XML Vocabulary Intended for the Exchange of Task Planning and Tracking Information. Information Technology Journal, 3: 192-195.

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