International Journal of Poultry Science

Year: 2014 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 9 | Page No.: 504-509
DOI: 10.3923/ijps.2014.504.509
Effect of Turmeric Powder to Estriol and Progesterone Hormone Profile of Laying Hens During One Cycle of Ovulation
Tyas Rini Saraswati, Wasmen Manalu, Damiana Rita Ekastuti and Nastiti Kusumorini

Abstract: This research was designed to study the profile of the hormones estriol, progesterone, in the blood during a cycle of ovulation in controlled laying hens and laying hens that treated by giving the turmeric powder. Determination of hormone profile was done on laying hens. Six laying hens aged 20 month were divided into two experimental unit. Each experimental unit consist of three laying hens i.e., P0: control (not supplemented with turmeric powder), P1: turmeric powder supplementation at a dose of 405 mg/laying hens/day for a month. Blood was drawn via jugular vein by 4 mL. Blood sampling performed every 2 h starting after hen lay eggs during a cycle of ovulation, then retrieved and analyzed the serum levels of estrogen and progesterone. The data graphed to determine the profile of the hormones estrogen, progesterone and compared between the controlled and the treated with turmeric powder. The results showed that administration of turmeric powder can shorten the cycle of ovulation about 5 h 35 min. Turmeric powder did not affect the pattern of fluctuations in the hormone progesterone. There are 4 progesterone peaks during the first cycle of ovulation both in controlled laying hens and laying hens that treated with turmeric powder. There was a change to the hormone estriol fluctuations. In controlled laying hens takes four peaks hormone estriol in an ovulatory cycle, whereas in laying hen treated with turmeric powder was 1 hormone estriol peak occurring approximately 15 h before ovulation.

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How to cite this article
Tyas Rini Saraswati, Wasmen Manalu, Damiana Rita Ekastuti and Nastiti Kusumorini, 2014. Effect of Turmeric Powder to Estriol and Progesterone Hormone Profile of Laying Hens During One Cycle of Ovulation. International Journal of Poultry Science, 13: 504-509.

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