International Journal of Poultry Science

Year: 2005 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 372-377
DOI: 10.3923/ijps.2005.372.377
Effect of Dwarfism on Reproductive and Meat Yield Parameters of Crossbred Chicken
M.A. Rashid, M.A.R. Howlider , J. Alam , Md. Abdur Rashid , M.H. Kawsar and S.A. Azmal

Abstract: Twenty four indigenous autosomal dwarf hens were selected and divided equally into 3 groups. Rhode Island Red, White Leghorn and Fayoumi Cocks, 2 for each were placed to each group respectively for breeding. Sixty eggs were selected from each group and hatched in a forced draft incubator. Among those, 36 healthy day-old chicks from each group were selected and reared up to 20 weeks of age. The chicks were identified as normal and dwarf genetic groups at 8 weeks of age. The aim of this study was to observe the reproductive parameters of crosses and parameters related to the meat yield of normal and dwarf genetic group of crossbred chicken under farm condition. Fertility, hatchability on total eggs and hatchability on fertile eggs of cross B (95.57; 68.71; 72.41) were higher (p<0.01) than cross A (93.44;63.44;67.62) and cross C (90.92;60.89;67.19). Dead-in-germ and dead-in-shell were statistically higher (p<0.01) in cross C than cross A&B. Reduced adult body size, improved feed conversion and higher livability were found in all genetic groups of dwarf crossbred. Among those, White Leghorn was found as the best one also considering its different dressing yields. Advantages of adw gene in terms of a good scavenger could better be exploited by introgressing in exotic smaller breeds like White Leghorn from indigenous dwarf chicken.

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How to cite this article
M.A. Rashid, M.A.R. Howlider , J. Alam , Md. Abdur Rashid , M.H. Kawsar and S.A. Azmal , 2005. Effect of Dwarfism on Reproductive and Meat Yield Parameters of Crossbred Chicken. International Journal of Poultry Science, 4: 372-377.

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