International Journal of Pharmacology

Year: 2015 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 864-869
DOI: 10.3923/ijp.2015.864.869
Effect of Topical Rambutan Honey Pharmaceutical Grade on Oral Mucosa Wound Healing Based on Tissue Wound Closure and Fibroblasts Proliferation in vivo
E.R. Yuslianti, B.M. Bachtiar, D.F. Suniarti, A.B. Sutjiatmo, Euis Reni Yuslianti, Boy M. Bachtiar, Dewi F. Suniarti and Afifah B. Sutjiatmo

Abstract: Rambutan honey often used for topical treatment sores in the oral, because it has a good taste and fragrant. The use of rambutan honey empirically efficacious in wound healing has been scientifically proven yet, as a product or stimulant that serves to accelerate oral mucosa wound healing is still very limited. This study aimed to analyze topical Rambutan Honey Pharmaceuticals Grades (RHPG) in influencing wound closure and stimulation of the fibroblasts proliferation in the oral mucosa wound healing in vivo. The research method was experimental laboratory. Rats (n = 16/gp) were divided into negative control, positive control φ4±2 mm wound, 1 mL RHPG wound and 0.1 mL ascorbic acid. Oral mucosal wound (palatal region) were observed on day 0, 3, 7 and 14 administered topically twice. The data analysis are using the ANOVA and post hoc Tukey with p<0.05. The results show the RHPG effect on the wound width significantly at days 0 (p = 0.002), 3rd (p = 0.005) and the 7th (p = 0.009) and to the amount of fibroblasts significantly at days 0, 3rd and 7th with p = 0.001, fibroblasts cell amount per high power fields mean 101.75±8.99 (NC), 69±12.65 (PC), 83.25±25.83 (RHPG), 86.5±5.84 (AA), respectively. In conclusion, that topical administration of pharmaceuticals standard rambutan honeys effect to oral mucosa wound closured and to fibroblasts proliferation in vivo.

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How to cite this article
E.R. Yuslianti, B.M. Bachtiar, D.F. Suniarti, A.B. Sutjiatmo, Euis Reni Yuslianti, Boy M. Bachtiar, Dewi F. Suniarti and Afifah B. Sutjiatmo, 2015. Effect of Topical Rambutan Honey Pharmaceutical Grade on Oral Mucosa Wound Healing Based on Tissue Wound Closure and Fibroblasts Proliferation in vivo. International Journal of Pharmacology, 11: 864-869.

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