International Journal of Dairy Science

Year: 2017 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 359-367
DOI: 10.3923/ijds.2017.359.367
Impact of Technological Determinants on the Production and Marketing of Dairy Products in Small and Medium Productive Projects in Egypt
Hanan Mohamed Mahrous , Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat and Mohamed Abd El-Gilil Khorshid

Abstract: Background and Objective: In Egypt, small and medium projects (SMP) are pivotal in meeting the requirements of the local market of dairy products such as soft, hard cheeses and fermented milks. The aim of this research was the study of technological and production determinants mainly production and marketing technology, in small and medium production projects. Methodology: The research method deal with 40 enterprises in Greater Cairo area. Quantitative analysis, multiple regression, one-way ANOVA, morality test (T), (F) and less significant difference (LSD) were applied by SPSS. Results: Obtained data indicated that there were significant differences at (p<0.01) when measuring the effect of the technological determinants of the quantities used in production and marketing. The increase in the number of technological processes produced by one process of production conditions lead to increase the quantity of used milk by 0.39 t and about 35.2 kg of marketed quantities. While, increasing in technological marketing process lead to increase the amount of milk used in production by 0.31 t and about 33.6 kg of marketed quantities as a result of improved production and marketing level. However, increasing the diversity of products to the production unit with a new product was lead to increase the quantities of milk by 0.48 t and about 46.1 kg for marketed quantities. On another hand, the results showed that there were significant differences (p<0.01) between the production and marketing problems as obstacles, facing the workers, in dairy production and marketing units. Conclusion: Present study recommends that encouraging unregistered productive enterprises to enter the formal economy of the country, facilitate loans, registration procedures and exemption from taxes for a specified period in exchange for their entry into the formal economy of the country. In addition, supporting the producers, technically, through the competent institutions. As well as, supporting funding programs for these projects, providing technological means for production and marketing and finally, tighter control to reduce the use of preservatives and unhealthy materials.

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How to cite this article
Hanan Mohamed Mahrous, Wafaa Kamel Bahgaat and Mohamed Abd El-Gilil Khorshid, 2017. Impact of Technological Determinants on the Production and Marketing of Dairy Products in Small and Medium Productive Projects in Egypt. International Journal of Dairy Science, 12: 359-367.

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