International Journal of Botany

Year: 2006 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 242-251
DOI: 10.3923/ijb.2006.242.251
A Voyage in the World of Plants as Mentioned in the Holy Quran
Ishrak Khafagi, Amira Zakaria, Ahmed Dewedar and Khaled El-Zahdany

Abstract: Almost 22 identifiable plants belong to seventeen plant families are cited in the Holy Quran including Ficus carica, Olea europoea, Phoenix dactylifera, Vitis vinifera, Panica granatum, Ocimum basilicum, Dryobalanops camphora, Zingiber officinale, Brassica nigra, Salvadora persica, Tamarix, Zizyphus spina-christi, Citrulus colocynthis, Cucurbita pepo, Cucumis sativus, Allium sativum, A. cepa, lens esculents, Musa sapientum, Hordeum vulgare, Triticum vulgare and Trifolium. The present study describes the wide range of plants mentioned distinctly in the Holy Quran to denote holy plants such as fig, olive, date palm and pomegranates; or aroma plants such as zinger, basil and chamfer; or popular nutritious plants like onion, garlic and lentils; astringent plants as colocynth or Pasteur plants like clover. On the other hand, key words like plants, seeds, grains, ornamentals, gardens, trees, fruits and herbs are also mentioned very often in the Quran to denote a plant, a plant part, type and/or habit of a plant or places where plants are normally grow. A comprehensive list of surahs and ayahs where a distinct plant or a keyword indicates plants are included. The taxonomic position and common names of those plants are included. Typical biological issues such as biodiversity, seed germination, photosynthesis and diverse uses of plants are interpreted from various surahs of the Quran.

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How to cite this article
Ishrak Khafagi, Amira Zakaria, Ahmed Dewedar and Khaled El-Zahdany, 2006. A Voyage in the World of Plants as Mentioned in the Holy Quran. International Journal of Botany, 2: 242-251.

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