International Journal of Agricultural Research

Year: 2011 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 410-419
DOI: 10.3923/ijar.2011.410.419
Physico-Chemical and Morphological Properties of Soils for Castanea sativa in the Central Black Sea Region
O. Dengiz, S. Ic and F.E. Sarioglu

Abstract: This study is focused on the soil physico-chemical, morphological properties and soil classification of forest sites where Castanea sativa wood stands located in the central black sea region. Some physiographic factors of the study area such as slope gradient, aspect, relief and average altitude were determined and evaluated by using GIS program. This study was carried out in Derekoy catchment that covers about 6.5 km2 and its current climate is semi-humid. In this study, the changes in the properties of four different pedons were investigated and classified as Typic Haplustult, Vertic Dystrustept, Mollic Ustifluvent and Mollic Ustorthent. These soils were formed on basalt, sandstone, marl and alluvial material. The formation of soils was highly associated with major climatic factors and parent materials influenced the soils morphological and physico-chemical characteristics in the study area. Due to high clay content in all soil profiles of the study area, it should be avoided from driving high ground pressure equipment, such trucks and tractors in the orchard lead to soil compaction and this compaction causes reduced diffusion of water and gasses, poor drainage, restricted root growth and decreased chestnut yield. Thus, best management practices including reduce tillage, residue incorporation, surface and subsurface drainage, rotational cultivation, integrated pest management and intercropping can increase levels of both productivity and environmental quality significantly. Therefore, to perform all these agricultural managements for Castanea sativa, decision-makers should take into soil physico-chemical, morphological characteristics consideration.

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How to cite this article
O. Dengiz, S. Ic and F.E. Sarioglu, 2011. Physico-Chemical and Morphological Properties of Soils for Castanea sativa in the Central Black Sea Region. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 6: 410-419.

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