European Journal of Dentistry and Medicine

Year: 2012 | Volume: 4 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 45-55
DOI: 10.3923/ejdm.2012.45.55
Duplicating the Implant O-ring Abutment Retainer for Using on Tooth Copy in Mandibular Implant-tooth Partial Overdenture: Radiographic Evaluations
Aisha Zakaria Hashem Mustafa

Abstract: In rehabilitation of partially edentulous cases with removable prosthesis it is desirable to equalize the retention bilaterally, to allow the removable prosthesis to function accurately without affecting the health of remaining structure. This can be achieved when few remaining teeth is present unilaterally by strategic multiplication of abutment using dental implant. This study describes a treatment approach for oral rehabilitation of patients with remaining teeth on one posterior quarter of the mandibular arch. In mandibular arch one implant was inserted in the canine region to be used in conjunction with natural canine as abutments for removable partial overdenture. For every patient a temporary mandibular RPD were constructed and relined with soft liner to be used during the osseointegration period. After this duplication of implant O-ring ball abutment to be used with metal coping and dowel on the canine then construction of the final RPD and clinical pick up of the O-ring attachments. Marginal bone loss and mobility test were assessed immediately after insertion of the prosthesis and after 3 years of functioning loading of the implant. Regular follow-up visits, through 3 years, revealed that the periodontal and peri-implant conditions were stable; there were no intrusion or mobility problems of the teeth and very minor changes in the bone levels of the natural teeth and implants were measured on radiographs using Corel Draw No.11 software. Duplication of implant O-ring ball abutment to be used with metal coping and dowel on the canine abutment allow even distribution of the load on the implant and canine tooth leading to statistically no significant difference between the bone loss of the implant and tooth or between the mesial and distal sides of the implant or canine tooth.

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How to cite this article
Aisha Zakaria Hashem Mustafa , 2012. Duplicating the Implant O-ring Abutment Retainer for Using on Tooth Copy in Mandibular Implant-tooth Partial Overdenture: Radiographic Evaluations. European Journal of Dentistry and Medicine, 4: 45-55.

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