Asian Journal of Scientific Research

Year: 2019 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 279-286
DOI: 10.3923/ajsr.2019.279.286
Impact of Front-of-package (FoPTL) Traffic Light Nutrition Labels in the College Students
Prasetyo Maitri and Fatmah

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Front-of-pack Traffic Light (FoPTL) label have been widely discussed as a tool for guiding consumers with regard to making healthy food purchase choices. Despite the prevalence of these labels, Indonesian studies on the impact of FoPTL label on consumers are extremely scant. As a response, this study aimed to evaluate both the acceptance (liking, attraction and cognitive workload) and the subject’s objective comprehension of FoPTL label. Materials and Methods: The study employed a pretest-post test quasi-experimental design (control group). Forty college students were invited to participate as the subjects who were divided into intervention group and control group. They introduced to different nutrition labelling formats: FoPTL label (intervention group) and nutrition facts labels (control group). The participants were asked to complete a questionnaire containing 13 questions on the acceptance of nutrition labels (including their liking, attraction and cognitive workload) and 23 questions aimed at measuring their comprehension of the nutrition labels and their ability to identify the health value of a food product from the nutrition labels provided. Results: The mean difference between the two groups was analyzed using an independent t-test. The empirical evidence was derived from the results indicated that the FoPTL label had higher acceptance than the nutrition facts label (p<0.05). The comprehension test indicated that the FoPTL label had a higher mean difference of correct answers (28.80+12.63) than the nutrition facts label (12.50+20.76). Conclusion: FoPTL label were more effective in terms of improving college student consumers’ awareness when selecting healthier food products.

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How to cite this article
Prasetyo Maitri and Fatmah , 2019. Impact of Front-of-package (FoPTL) Traffic Light Nutrition Labels in the College Students. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 12: 279-286.

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