Asian Journal of Scientific Research

Year: 2017 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 281-289
DOI: 10.3923/ajsr.2017.281.289
Production of Juice from Zaghloul Date at Khalal Stage
Abdelaziz Nadir , Nahed Mohamed Abdelmagauid, Ibrahim Mohamed Foaud Helmy and Ali Ragab Shalaby

Abstract: Background and Objective: Date palm is one of the oldest fruit trees in the world. The world production of dates has increased. Date fruits contain easily digestible sugars, dietary fibers, protein, fat, ash and polyphenols. They also contain many vitamins and medicinal practices for treating various disorders. Moreover, dates exhibit antioxidant, antimutagenic and free-radical-scavenging activity. The aim of this study was: Production of juice from Zaghloul date at Khalal stage and assess the impact of acidity on compounds and physical qualities, tangible assessment, microbiological investigation and impact of storage periods. Materials and Methods: Juice was extracted from Zaghloul date and analyzed for chemical composition, minerals and antioxidants compounds. Physical characteristics, color values and organoleptic evaluation of juice were measured with and without different acids and their mixture additions. Microbiological evaluation and study the effect of pasteurization and potassium sorbate on chemical changes of juice during storage periods. Results from the organoleptic analysis were analyzed by using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA using Assistant computer programs and Least Significant Difference (LSD), statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Date juice was produced from Zaghloul at khalal stage. Addition of different acids increased acidity, improved sensory parameters and having color stability of date juice. Using both pasteurization and potassium sorbate reduced bacterial and increased the storage periods to 6 months. Conclusion: It was concluded that stable color and treating by acidity led to high quality of date juice product which having both suitability and wholesomeness.

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How to cite this article
Abdelaziz Nadir, Nahed Mohamed Abdelmagauid, Ibrahim Mohamed Foaud Helmy and Ali Ragab Shalaby, 2017. Production of Juice from Zaghloul Date at Khalal Stage. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 10: 281-289.

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