Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Year: 2020 | Volume: 19 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 335-342
DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2020.335.342
Diversity of Woody Species at Different Successional Stages of Disturbed Quinn-Sororo Natural Forest in South-Eastern Ethiopia
Muktar Reshad , Alemayehu Beyene and Muktar Mohammed

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Agricultural land expansion and the impact of fire are the two main anthropogenic factors that cause the rapid decline of plant species diversity and abundance at tropical dry forest. The study was carried out to compare woody plant species density and diversity at three successional stages each represented by three sites. Materials and Methods: A circular plot of a 30m radius was used for the collection of data. In each plot, the identification and enumeration of all woody plants were conducted. Plant density was estimated by quantifying the number of individuals of a species per unit area and converting it into stem density/ha. Shannon-Weaver (H’) was used to calculate the diversity while Evenness (E) was calculated by using the Pielou index. Simpson index was calculated taking into account both richness and evenness of species. Plant density and diversity at different successional stages in the forest areas were compared between sites and successional stages. Results: A total of 65 species were recorded of which about 81.5 % were found in MS stage forest. The highest number of stem density, H’ and E were recorded in MS sites followed by IS site while the highest Simpson index was observed in ES sites indicating the dominance of this successional stage with few species. Conclusion: The overall comparison of the number of woody plant species among the successional stages showed that there is a significant difference in the number of woody plant species. The existence of variation in the number of woody species is related to anthropogenic disturbances at the sites.

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How to cite this article
Muktar Reshad, Alemayehu Beyene and Muktar Mohammed, 2020. Diversity of Woody Species at Different Successional Stages of Disturbed Quinn-Sororo Natural Forest in South-Eastern Ethiopia. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 19: 335-342.

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