Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Year: 2007 | Volume: 6 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 643-647
DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2007.643.647
The Effects of Different Irrigation Levels on Yield and Quality of Some Early Grape Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse
Serpil Gok Tangolar, Semih Tangolar, Hatice Blllr, Gutekin Ozdemir, Ali Sabir and Bahri Cevlk

Abstract: Five years old grapevines of Early Cardinal, Trakya ilkeren, Ergin cekirdeksizi and Yalova Incisi grown in greenhouse were used. During three years, the effects of three different evaporation coefficient factors (kp1 = 1.0, kp2 = 1.3, kp3 = 1.6) on vines were investigated. Irrigation amounts calculated with respect to each evaporation factor were applied in 4-6 days intervals. In general, cluster weight and berry size were slightly increased with kp2 application while different irrigation levels had no significant effect on bud-break and berry ripening date both in cultivars and years. Considering earliness, grape yield, cluster and berry size, cultivars Early Cardinal and Yalova Incisi with irrigation level kp2 could be recommended for early grape production under greenhouse conditions.

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How to cite this article
Serpil Gok Tangolar, Semih Tangolar, Hatice Blllr, Gutekin Ozdemir, Ali Sabir and Bahri Cevlk, 2007. The Effects of Different Irrigation Levels on Yield and Quality of Some Early Grape Cultivars Grown in Greenhouse. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 6: 643-647.

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