Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Year: 2002 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 304-307
DOI: 10.3923/ajps.2002.304.307
Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and Harvesting Times on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Sorghum Fodder
Muhammad Ayub, Muhammad Ather Nadeem, Asif Tanveer and Azhar Husnain

Abstract: In a field trail at Faisalabad, fodder yield and quality of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) cultivar JS-263 as influenced by different nitrogen levels (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha -1) and harvesting times (45, 60 and 75 days after sowing) was studied in 2000. Both green and dry matter yields were increased with increasing nitrogen levels and delaying harvest. The increase in yield was mainly due to higher plant height, stem diameter and number of leaves plant -1. The contents of crude protein, ether extractable fat and ash were increased with increased nitrogen levels and decreased with delaying the harvest. Whereas, neutral and acid detergent fiber were increased by delaying the harvest and decreased by the nitrogen application. Based on these finding, the nitrogen level of 150 kg ha -1 and harvesting time 75 days after sowing was found better combination for getting higher yields of sorghum cultivar JS-263 under Faisalabad conditions.

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How to cite this article
Muhammad Ayub, Muhammad Ather Nadeem, Asif Tanveer and Azhar Husnain, 2002. Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and Harvesting Times on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Sorghum Fodder. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 1: 304-307.

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