American Journal of Plant Physiology

Year: 2014 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 2 | Page No.: 52-67
DOI: 10.3923/ajpp.2014.52.67
Physiological and Pathological Impacts of Potassium Silicate on Storability of Anna Apple Fruits
M.E. Tarabih, E.E. EL-Eryan and M.A. EL-Metwally

Abstract: Exogenous application of silicon (Si) in the form of potassium silicate at different concentrations (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%) were investigated for maintaining quality and control disease development caused by Penicillium expansum on Anna apple fruits stored 60 days at 0°C±1 with 90-95% R.H (Experiment 1) and held for 6 days at room temperature conditions at 28°C±2 with 65-70% R.H (Experiment 2). It was noticed that the reduction in linear growth and dry weight were positively correlated to the increase in potassium silicate concentrations. So, potassium silicate at 0.3% treatment indicated complete inhibition of the linear growth and dry weight of P. expansum. The disease infection decreased as storage period advanced at cold storage and under marketing conditions. The lowest significant values of disease infection percentage of P. expansum were recorded by dipping fruit at potassium silicate at 0.3% after 60 days of cold storage and 6 days at marketing in the two seasons. Generally, significant changes were observed in potassium silicate at 0.3% which reduced the loss of weight, decay, total loss, respiration rate and PPO activity with respect to the other treatments or the control. Meanwhile, potassium silicate at 0.2% gave a higher fruit firmness. In addition, all silicon treatments reduced SSC, acidity, SSC/acid ratio and total sugar compare to the untreated fruits. The values of hue angle increased with the progress of potassium silicate concentration. These results show that potassium silicate can be used to delay ripening, keep quality and control disease development caused by P. expansum on apple fruits.

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How to cite this article
M.E. Tarabih, E.E. EL-Eryan and M.A. EL-Metwally, 2014. Physiological and Pathological Impacts of Potassium Silicate on Storability of Anna Apple Fruits. American Journal of Plant Physiology, 9: 52-67.

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