American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology

Year: 2015 | Volume: 5 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 113-119
DOI: 10.3923/ajpnft.2015.113.119
Impact of PlantCatalyst® on Seed Germination and the Hydroponic Culture of Fresh Produce
Scott Swanson, Subhadra Lohani and R. Neil Reese

Abstract: PlantCatalyst is a patented product claiming to improve plant growth. It is made with a small amount of silica salts and extracts from lignite. Although, there are many published testimonials, no controlled research supporting or negating these claims have been published. It tested the impact of dilute solutions of this product on the rate and percent seed germination in seed boxes in a growth chamber following stand seed testing protocols. Additionally, PlantCatalyst was tested to evaluate its effects on the production of vegetables in a small commercial greenhouse. Average time of seed germination in beans, lettuce and tomatoes was significantly reduced by 7, 12 and 4%, respectively, when treated with PlantCatalyst. In the commercial greenhouse, PlantCatalyst significantly increased production of mixed variety lettuce (13%), tomatoes (24%), bell peppers (46%) and jalapenos (52%). The treatment also reduced the time to ripening in tomatoes by 2 days and jalapenos by 6 days. The finding of this study indicate that the application of PlantCatalyst can decrease the time for seeds to germinate and increase the rate of growth of plants. The primary effect seems to result from increased growth rates and shortening the time to reach maturity.

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How to cite this article
Scott Swanson, Subhadra Lohani and R. Neil Reese, 2015. Impact of PlantCatalyst® on Seed Germination and the Hydroponic Culture of Fresh Produce. American Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilization Technology, 5: 113-119.

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