American Journal of Food Technology

Year: 2020 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 1-10
DOI: 10.3923/ajft.2020.1.10
Lentil By-products as a Source of Protein for Food Packaging Applications
E. Diaz de Apodaca , A. Montanari, L. Fernandez-de Castro, E. Umilta, L. Arroyo, C. Zurlini and M.C. Villaran

Abstract: Background and Objective: There is an increasing need for biodegradable, environmentally friendly and functional food-packaging materials. In this regard, proteins obtained from agri-food industry by-products may become a promising and sustainable (less impact, valorisation) source of such materials. This work investigates the suitability of lentil protein-based films for food packaging applications. Materials and Methods: Lentil protein concentrate was extracted from lentil by-products using a procedure patented by SICA. Protein films containing different plasticisers were produced by casting after denaturation and adjusting the pH of the protein solution. The effect of plasticisers on solubility, moisture content and the mechanical and barrier properties was analyzed. Finally, migration tests were carried out. Results: Plasticiser was found to have no effect on total soluble matter, although the moisture content increased in the case of glycerol. Films plasticised with sorbitol exhibited significantly lower water vapour and oxygen permeability and were also stronger and less flexible. Migration tests complied with current legislation in the case of isooctane but exceeded the legal limits for 95% ethanol. Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed that it is possible to obtain lentil protein films with suitable properties for food packaging applications from lentil by-products. These films may become a promising component of new biodegradable and functional food-packaging systems.

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How to cite this article
E. Diaz de Apodaca, A. Montanari, L. Fernandez-de Castro, E. Umilta, L. Arroyo, C. Zurlini and M.C. Villaran, 2020. Lentil By-products as a Source of Protein for Food Packaging Applications. American Journal of Food Technology, 15: 1-10.

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