American Journal of Food Technology

Year: 2007 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 7 | Page No.: 630-640
DOI: 10.3923/ajft.2007.630.640
Trtametes versicolor Laccase Mediated Oxidation of Flavonoids. Influence of the Hydroxylation Pattern of Ring B of Flavonols
S. Ghidouche, N.E. Es-Safi and P.H. Ducrot

Abstract: Several flavonols were chemically transformed upon treatment by Trametes versicolor laccase; the majority of the major oxidation products were isolated (HPLC) as pure compounds and their structures unambiguously established through spectroscopic methods (HPLC-MS), when possible. In some cases, compounds were difficult to obtain either completely pure or in sufficient amounts. In these cases, structural hypotheses were formed on the basis of the HPLC-MS fragmentations. Correlation between the structure of the oxidation products and the substitution pattern of the starting materials revealed mechanistic features of the transformation.

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How to cite this article
S. Ghidouche, N.E. Es-Safi and P.H. Ducrot, 2007. Trtametes versicolor Laccase Mediated Oxidation of Flavonoids. Influence of the Hydroxylation Pattern of Ring B of Flavonols. American Journal of Food Technology, 2: 630-640.

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