Asian Journal of Earth Sciences

Year: 2010 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Page No.: 136-141
DOI: 10.17311/ajes.2010.136.141
Application of Geographic Information System to Fertility Management of Tea Soils of Anamallais
V.K. Senthurpandian, S. Jayaganesh , S. Srinivas, N. Palani and N. Muraleedharan

Abstract: Tea growers who have large area under tea find it difficult to manage land fertility solely with summary soil test reports and maps would be an ideal tool for them. Unlike ordinary maps, Geographic Information System (GIS) can manage large collection of land resources data necessary for tea production. The data on primary nutrients status and organic matter content are important for maintaining sustainable productivity. The Anamallais (Coimbatore District) has the second largest area under tea in Tamil Nadu, next only to the Nilgiris. The soil samples were analysed for pH, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium and the results were categorised in to low, medium and high. Digitized maps were prepared for individual tea estates using the Arc MAP software. It is indicated that fields having pH more than 5.5 may require measures to reduce the pH to the desired level. A few fields had low pH, which warranted application of dolomitic lime. Majority of the tea fields fell under the high category of available phosphorus content, because of the present practice of broadcasting of rock phosphate along with NK. Most of the tea fields were of medium category in potassium content, because the latosol tea soils easily release exchangeable potassium to available form of potassium. The fields at higher elevation have high organic matter content. Fields with low organic matter content needed improvement through external application of organic manures. The fields situated near forest area had high organic matter status The study revealed that 2% of the samples were under low and high categories each while the remaining 96% of the samples belonged to medium category.

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How to cite this article
V.K. Senthurpandian, S. Jayaganesh, S. Srinivas, N. Palani and N. Muraleedharan, 2010. Application of Geographic Information System to Fertility Management of Tea Soils of Anamallais. Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 3: 136-141.

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