Asian Journal of Agricultural Research

Year: 2017 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 1 | Page No.: 33-35
DOI: 10.3923/ajar.2017.33.35
Morphology of Cucumber Plants as Influenced by Pranic Agriculture
Srikanth N. Jois, K. Nagendra Prasad and Lancy D`Souza

Abstract: Pranic agriculture is an ancient science and art of healing that helps in enhancement of plant growth. The aim of the present study was to understand the morphological qualities (plant length, stem diameter and fruit yield) of pranic treated cucumber. This study has given an insight into the changes in the morphology characteristics of the pranic cucumber as compared to the non-treated cucumber, referred to as control group. Increase in length of cucumber plants by 97% was noticed in pranic cucumber plants when compared to control. Also, pranic cucumber stem was 31.7% more diameter than control group. When group-wise yield was verified, pranic cucumber yielded 20.8% significantly more than control group. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the difference in nutritional composition of pranic and control cucumber fruits.

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How to cite this article
Srikanth N. Jois, K. Nagendra Prasad and Lancy D`Souza, 2017. Morphology of Cucumber Plants as Influenced by Pranic Agriculture. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 11: 33-35.

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