Asian Journal of Agricultural Research

Year: 2015 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 5 | Page No.: 259-267
DOI: 10.3923/ajar.2015.259.267
Influence of Cytokinins on the Shoot Proliferation and Subsequent Rooting in Rose
Shreef Mahmood and Bernhard Hauser

Abstract: The single-node explant of rose cvs. ‘Bianca’ and ‘El Torro’ were cultured in in vitro conditions to investigate the influences of different cytokinins in the multiplication and subsequent rooting phases. The in vitro growth of explant was affected by the type of cytokinins used in the culture media. The best results regarding shoot proliferation was found in the medium containing 8.87 μM BA. Although 2-iP (8.87 μM) showed the better response in shoot elongation but due to their lower multiplication ability, it cannot ensure rapid micropropagation in rose cvs. ‘Bianca’ and ‘El Torro’. In addition, kinetin (8.87 μM) had virtually no effect on multiplication phase. Although, higher concentration of BA proliferated maximum shoots per culture but there were a risk of hyperhydricity symptom in plantlets. One milligram per liter BA was found the best medium in shoot multiplication phase by securing the good proliferation rate, greater shoot elongation, maximum number of leaves and highest fresh and moderate percentage of dry weight per culture. But 1.0 mg L–1 BA could not maintain the best performance in the rooting phase. On the other hand, 2.0 mg L–1 BA was found to be optimum concentration for better formation of longer roots and can be recommended for rooting of rose cvs. ‘Bianca’ and ‘El Torro’. Regarding the rose cultivars tested in the experiments, ‘Bianca’ showed the higher response in both multiplication and rooting phases than ‘El Torro’.

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How to cite this article
Shreef Mahmood and Bernhard Hauser, 2015. Influence of Cytokinins on the Shoot Proliferation and Subsequent Rooting in Rose. Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 9: 259-267.

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