Asian Journal of Applied Sciences

Year: 2020 | Volume: 13 | Issue: 4 | Page No.: 152-156
DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2020.152.156
Transformation of Heat Stressed Non-culturable Bacillus cereus Cells by Extracellular Extracts from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Tasmin Tabassum, Tahsin Tabassum, Syeda Muntaka Maniha and Rashed Noor

Abstract: Background and Objective: Study of bacterial stress response against heat shock has been well accomplished so far. Present study further investigated on the ability of specific heat stressed cells to be in the culturable form (i.e., cells those regained the colony forming ability on agar). Materials and Methods: Current study focused on the response of Bacillus ceresus cells when exposed to extremely highly temperature like 60°C (comparable with that grown at 37°C) using the traditional microbiological cultural methods including the enumeration of culturable cells as well as the spot tests. Results: While it was noticed that the cells become non-culturable at 60°C, interestingly a fraction of those cells were found to be culturable upon the supplementation of the extracellular fractions of Pseudomonas aersuginosa. Conclusion: The growth revival of B. Cereus from the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state into the culturable cells is interesting to ponder the bacterial behaviour against stress signals. However, cells initially incubated 60°C were found to be devoid of forming the colonies on the agar.

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How to cite this article
Tasmin Tabassum, Tahsin Tabassum, Syeda Muntaka Maniha and Rashed Noor, 2020. Transformation of Heat Stressed Non-culturable Bacillus cereus Cells by Extracellular Extracts from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 13: 152-156.

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